Love is calling. Will you pick up?
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Freedom Rains Love EBook and Book
Transformation EBook and Book
A Book of Self-Reflected Articles EBook
Living Life as you Always Dreamed EBook and Book
The New Secrets to Running a Successful Business EBook and Book
Destress And Spiritualize-Connecting to Divine Love Ebook
Gratitude and Appreciation CD, MP3, and Mp4
Love is Calling, Will you pick up? relaxation CD and MP3
Angel Love Transcendence CD and MP3
Talk: Spiritual Journey MP3
5 Minute Meditation relaxation MP3
15 Minute Revitalization relaxation CD and MP3
Chakra Frequency relaxation CD and MP3
Love Gratitude relaxation CD and MP3
Awaken Chakra & Connecting to your Guides CD and MP3
Chakra Activation CD and MP3
Love relaxation CD, MP3, and MP4
Activation-Essence of Love: CD, MP3, and MP4
Transforming into greater wholeness inside MP3
Sleep CD, MP3
Inspirational Stickers
Books and EBooks in written format
Destress and Spiritualize-Connecting to the Higher Power of Love (ISBN 9798392835805)
Develop tools to connect to Divine Love. Discover how to BE in the world experiencing greater joy, love and peace vs. OF the world in stress and Ego Control. Create a tool box to connect to Divine Love, especially during stressful situations. Start living a peaceful, loving and joyful life. You will learn how to give the power more to the inner world vs. giving it away to conditions and other people. Giving your power away creates a victim consciousness where you become insecure, fearful, negative and judgmental. The more you give your power away, the more you experience groundhog lessons around it.
$16 Book plus 3.50 shipping $12 EBook
Freedom Rains Love (ISBN 97809639304-6-0)
Experience phenomenal color photography to remind you the magical life of love expressed through nature shapes, sizes and colors. It has brought so much inner joy and a deeper connection to Pure Love. It has shown me the BEING of inner love. Connecting to a sacred place of divine Love and channeling that into the world. With each picture, feel the love and bring that into your heart fully. Enjoy.
$17 Book plus 3.50 shipping $12 EBook
Sample Pictures
Transformation Angelica Rose an Angel Walk-in's Path (ISBN 97809639304-9-1)
What would happen if instead of the human form dying, your spirit continued the journey as a spiritual being having a spiritual experience in human form? Usually, when a human is complete with what he or she came to learn on Earth their human form dies. They finished what they came to learn on Earth in that expression form they are in and they move on to the next experience of their evolution. Imagine incarnating as an Angelic walk-in discovering a human incarnation for the first time. This book has channeled messages from Ascended Beings, Angelic Realm and the Ascended Masters. You will have opportunities for deeper awareness into your own awakening to greater levels of love, peace, joy, prosperity, and vitality.
This book and EBook is about Angelica's journey as an Angelic walk-in, incarnating for the 1st time on Earth. By Incarnating on Earth, she discovered true spiritual and emotional freedom. The book starts off with Angelica having a human experience as part of her purpose to elevate the vibration frequency from a fear and insecurity vibration to that of love so she can fulfill her Angelic purpose. The journey brings her to having an Angelic experience in the human form.
$18 Book plus 3.50 shipping $15 EBook
Living Life as You Always Dreamed (ISBN 978-0-9639304-1-5)
Expand your Consciousness to living a life free of the human fears, insecurities, limitations, negativity, etc. that keep you stuck in human struggle and drama. Live a life with greater joy, love and prosperity never before known.
$11 EBook $18.50 Book (includes Shipping)
The New Secrets To Running A Successful Business (ISBN 978-0-9639304-0-8)
Illustrates many of the effective methods used in today's business world as a leader.
* Easy to read format * Covers the facets to increase success & avoid costly mistakes
* Proven success formulas used by millions * Action guide, getting direct results on what is taught
$12 EBook $23.50 Book (includes Shipping)
A Book of Self-Reflected Articles
Personal and professional Development Articles to Inspire, Educate, and Expand into a Oneness
Connection with Universal Love
Personal Article Content: The House of Relationships, Keeping A Positive Attitude In Tough Times, Living The Life You Always Dreamed, A Peaceful Path On Your Journey, Don't Worry Be Happy, Joyful Living, Serendipitous Living In a Duality World, Serendipity Is Calling Did You Answer?, Love is Calling, Will you Pick up?, Spiritual Journey To Spiritual Oneness, Angelic Journey To Human Incarnation, How Does Energy Work, 3rd Chakra Development for Empowerment, Activating The Inner Spirit True Freedom, Awakening The Inner Spirit, Living the Angelic Purpose
Professional Article Content: “Mind Map” the way to your goal, A Satisfying Career Move Linked to Your Self-Worth,, Success Through Personal And Professional Development, Tips to Run a More Successful Business, Delegating Work Out, The “Art” of Marketing, The Road Map To A Prosperous Business-Let a Mission Statement be your Guiding Light
$11 EBook
$2 each plus shipping
NOTE: quantity above 80, contact me for shipping rate
All CDs, MP3s and MP4s
unless noted otherwise. No returns/exchanges. Insurance is optional with CDs
Gratitude and Appreciation
Learn how affirmations can change your life. Exercise to quiet the mind. Wonderful affirmations exercise. Guided relaxation meditation with music. Experience gratitude, inner love and peace. 27 Minutes
$15 MP3, $18 MP4, $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
5 Minutes Meditation
5 minute Guided Relaxation to support a heightened level of love.
$10.00 MP3
Transforming into greater wholeness inside
A guided meditation to bring forth the inner child and inner areas of self to experience greater love, joy, peace, health, vitality, and prosperity. Bonus gift of part of chapter 1 from the ebook, Living life as you always dreamed. 11 minutes
$10.00 MP3
Chakra Activation
Activating 8 chakras using colors & sounds. 49 minutes
$15.00 MP3 , $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
ACTIVATION- Essence of Love
Guided Relaxation with Waterfalls and Music to Awaken human mind, heart, and body to a greater place of gratitude, deeper place of love and inner peace. Awaken and Activate the Inner Spirit. 27 Minutes
$15 MP3, $18 MP4, $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
Relaxation portion
Mind Awakening portion
Love Relaxation
Experience the heart opening to heighten levels, a quiet mind, and a relaxed body, through a guided meditation. 30 minutes
$15 MP3, CD $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
Awaken Chakras
Defining & Activating the 8 chakras using colors & sounds. Bonus Connecting to your Guides. 105 minutes.
$15 MP3, CD $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
Chakra Frequency
An Individualized guided experience to transform your life by transmuting the beliefs no longer serving you and experiencing Universal Love Frequencies that bring greater love, joy, peace, vitality and well-being. Aligns and balances all the 8 chakra points. 47 minutes
​$15 MP3, $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
15 Minutes Revitalization
A guided meditation to relax and enhance clarity and direction.
Relax in 15 minutes with tested successful results.
Guided meditation with piano music in the background.
$15.00 MP3 $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
Experience nurturing love, gratitude, vitality, & aliveness through a deeper connection with Universal Love & your Inner Spirit. 32.50 minutes
$15.00 MP3 , $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
TALK Spiritual Journey to become "smarter" and A Meditation
Develop tools to align with your Inner Spirit. Live on 'purpose' with greater love, peace, joy, vitality, and prosperity. Experience a breathing technique for deeper relaxation and a mind exercise to learn thought patterns and quiet the chatter. Bonus: experience a meditation to deepen relaxation for heightened levels of peace, love, joy, and well-being.22 minutes.
$15.00 MP3 , $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
Angel Love Transcendence
A Dance to Transform and Empower. Meditation to experience Higher Vibrations of Love and Prosperity 42 Minutes
$15.00 MP3 , $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance) music by audionautix.txt
Love is Calling, pick up
A guided meditation to experience a profound oneness connection to pure love with soothing music. Bonus article, Love is calling. 34 minutes
Thank you Erokia music posted on; Freesound;
$15.00 MP3 , $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
A guided meditation to enjoy a deep sleep or relaxation with soothing music. 32 minutes
Thank you global-journey
$15 MP3 $15.00 CD (please add shipping above when ordering with optional insurance)
Pamper Love Care Package
By Angelica Rose
LOVE-Gratitude MP3
Experience nurturing love, gratitude, vitality, & aliveness through a deeper connection with Love.
A Peaceful Path on Your Journey Article
Ebiook Living Life as You Always Dreamed to Build confidence, empowerment, and loving relationships with self and others
Ebook Freedom Love Rains colorful photograph pictures of magical and unusual ways of seeing nature elements to move your consciousness to higher frequencies
We all want to find a peaceful journey on our path in life, including an abundance of unconditional love and joy. It is easy to practice peacefulness when we are on vacation or in a nature environment. The challenges occur when we are surrounded by outside circumstances that seem unjust, unloving and unfair. This is the time our peaceful journey tends to be shaken where chaos can occur both internally and externally. This article discusses how to create a peaceful path in the midst of a chaotic lifestyle.